Do Unto Others
As You Would Want Done To You
Be Mindful
Stop The 200,000 Yearly
Species Extinctions
The Web Of Life Is Our Foundation
Renewable Energy
99% + By 2030
Wind - Solar - Hydrogen - Fuel Cell - Geothermal
Ocean Thermal Conversion - Solar Sterling Engine Gensets
Level Off @ 8 Billion By 2030
Down To 2 Billion By 2300
End The 35 Million Deaths Yearly
To Infants And Children
From Starvation Diseases
End Poverty On Earth
End Childhood And All Slave Labor Conditions
With An Equitable Distribution Of Earth's Sustainable Resources
Education Early And Lovingly
With A 99% + Literacy On Earth By 2030
Women's Equality
With Natural Contraceptives Taught To All Children
Stop Deforestation
Reforest With The Best Trees For Local Biodiversity
Limit Worldwide Fish Catch
By 3.3 Million Less Tons Per Year - 0% Caught In 2030
Health And Nutrition
Happily Eat An Organic Vegetarian Locally Grown Diet
End The Slaughter
To The Tens Of Billions Of Animals Yearly For Our Food
Solar Aquatics
Natural Waste Water Filtration System
To Filtrated 99% + Of Water By 2030
And Then Finally We
99% + Of Everything By 2030
Dismantle All Nuclear Weapons And Reactors At Once
Store The Waste Onsite Till Our Technology Advances
And We Are Better Able To Deal With The Deadly Poison
Research Scientists - Stop Working On The Weapons Of War
Start Working On The Solutions For Survival Of
The Web Of Life And A Sustainablity For Homo Sapiens
End Corporations And New World Order Agreements Such As
Start Small Locally Based Earth Sustainable Co-operations
Stop All Ozone Depleting Products Instantly
Repair The Damage Already Done
Reduce Air Pollution
99% By 2030
Reduce Water Pollution
99% By 2030
Find Resourceful New Uses For Our Fresh Water Scarcity
Implement Desalination Technologies Such As Solar Distilling
Reduce Soil Pollution And Erosion
Stop All Chemical Farming
Farming Should Be Locally Grown And Organic
Stop Most Of The 77,000 Man Made Compounds
Till All Of The Interacting Safety Measures Are Fully Known
Stop All Manufacture Immediately
It Stops The Reproduction Of Life
Fully Fund The Genome Project
Stop The Implementation Of Genetic Engineering
Till All Of The Long Term Effects Are Fully Known
War Is No More
Peaceful Cooperation
With Sustainable Sharing For All On Earth
Religion And Spirituality
All Peaceful Forms Freely Let Practice
Free Tibet
Science And Medicine
Respecting All Life
And Our Earth's Sustainable Limits
Meditation Exercise And Deep Breathing
Practiced Daily For Optimal Health And Well Being
Enjoy Nature
Immediatley Set Aside Huge Reserved Forever Wilderness Areas
For Our Future Generations
Create New Anti-Viruses And Germ Defenses
For All The Future Coming Plagues Resulting From Homo Sapiens
Wreckless Disregard For All Life Ecosystems On Earth
Worldwide Species Genetic Banks
Created Immediately And Fully Fund All Research
Pertaining To Saving All Life On Earth That Is At Risk Of Going Extinct
Space Exploration
Non Nuclear And Unmanned
With Full Disclosure Of All Findings To The Public
Increase Funding To Asteroid Protection And SETI Projects
The Arts
Given Greater Support Globally
So We Can Be Surrounded In Beauty
And Resonate Beauty
Water Birthing
In Water At 98.2 Degrees Farenheit
With Dim Lighting / Soft Mozart
Midwives / Husband And Family Present
For Every Mother And Beautiful New One / 8 To 24 Hour Transition
Acknowledge All The Good
You See In Others
Be Aware
LOVEARTH was formed 9 years ago with the intent
to bring awareness to the devastation which humanity is inflicting on our beautiful
planet. The nearly 6 billion people living on Earth are already way beyond its carrying
capacity. We are now blatantly causing more than 500 species extinctions each and every
day, as well as countless other atrocities to all life sustaining ecosystems.
We are but a strand in the fabric of life, all
intricately interdependent on one another. And yet here we are, in the mere geological
blink of an eye, eroding the very foundation of our own existence by these mass species
extinctions. This 6th great extinction period on Earth that we are insanely causing by the
suicidal annihilation of the Web of Life, will very soon bring about our own extinction.
In 1992 a majority of the living Nobel Laureates
in the Sciences agreed and signed the document World Scientist' Warning To Humanity that
said, if we Homo Sapiens do not change from our destructive ways by 180 degrees right
away, we will reach the Omega Point within 2 to 3 decades. The Nobel Laureates are perhaps
the most intellectually aware yet grounded group of people we have on Earth and they are
saying we are going to become extinct if we don't change our ways completely and change
them right now.
The Omega Point is the point in time, when all of
the devastation we have inflicted over the years to our life support systems finally
becomes too much and they irreversibly fail, no longer able to sustain Homo Sapiens. What
this translates into for our future generations is an ever increasingly nightmarish
slippery slope to extinction.
We believe that as early as 1991, because of the
cumulative shortsighted destruction egregiously caused by Homo Sapiens to all life
ecosystems, humanity entered a gray zone where the Omega Point may be crossed for our
species at any time. We can tell you with all assurance we will pass the Omega Point
somewhere very close to the year 2014. This is based upon the alarming findings from our
groundbreaking indepth study, Rainforests Biodiversity Scale Of Destruction ( RBSOD ).
In RBSOD we show that in the year 2014 we go
below the 10% / 50% Safeguard Threshold Providence ( STP ). This occurs when 10% of Virgin
Rainforest Area
( VRA ) with 50% of Rainforest Species ( RS ) are all that remain from what originally had
been. The beautiful providence that nature safeguards, is the diversity of life itself. If
we fell, level, slash and burn 90% of the VRA, only 50% of RS will go extinct. Somehow in
the last 10% of VRA nature magically holds on to 50% of RS. Lucky for us, if we realize in
We use the beauty of this built in natural
threshold, as the barometer to tell us when the Omega Point for Homo Sapiens will occur.
If we ever go below this 10% / 50% STP, we will become extinct. As of August 9, 1998, all
that remains of the VRA is 24.96% with 58.31% of RS. The amount of VRA that is being
destroyed by humanity this year alone is equal to the land area of all the following
States put together: Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, New Hampshire,
Vermont, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Maryland and South Carolina. Every 2 Minutes and 41
Seconds another RS goes extinct. The Rainforests were originally home to 61.8% of all the
species on Earth. That was 10,000 years ago, before our population started growing
exponentially with the advent of the revolutionizing new food energy technology, called
This bleak situation of breaking the 10% / 50%
STP in 2014 gets even worse when you take into account the enormous momentum of our
exterminating machine. It will take somewhere from 3 to 6 years just to put the brakes on
to stop it. This means that as early as the year 2008, less than 1 decade from now, if we
have not given up our primitive slaughtering predator ways, well...
There is yet another factor that hastens this
outcome by approximately 1 more year, and that is, there is a difference between a VRA
that has never been touched by man and one that was leveled a 1000 years ago. If we were
to take a walk from a VRA to a Rainforest leveled 1000 years ago and left alone for the
intervening years, we would not recognize the difference between them. They look very much
the same to the untrained eye.
Except, and this is one big exception, we now
have learned in the Rainforest leveled 1000 years ago, only about 17% of the original
inhabiting Species are found today. This means 83% of the original Biodiversity has still
not returned. Nature takes her own time to heal and fully restore. It can take as short as
one to two Million years, providing there is a favorable geological environment, for
nature to rebalance and achieve full self organization restoration.
Therefore when we reach the point where only 10%
VRA remains, somewhere between 5% and 10% of these remaining Rainforests will not be
Virgin. They will have been touched by man at sometime in the past, and will have many,
many fewer species. For the 10% / 50% STP to hold true, the Rainforest Area must be 100%
Virgin. So we will actually reach 50% RS remaining when there is about 11% of VRA left.
This is why the projected 10% / 50% STP in 2014 will lose another year, then minus the 3
to 6 years to put the brakes on and we are now looking at the years 2007 to 2010.
This leaves us as little as only 8 years to
become aware and realize, before it's too late. Nothing is more important then the issue
of these extinctions. We are losing the full richness of nature's beauty, each time we
lose a species we lose their invaluable genetic code, their form-field in life space has
vanished forever. The fabric of life is losing too many strands and is beginning to
unravel. We must change our ways immediately and become sustainable to leave our future
generations a beautiful Earth for them to flourish upon.
We can only stop this endgame by creating a Unity
of 1% of people who truly realize 100% that we are about to go extinct. When this 1%
understand and believe, they become like a tuning fork that resonates at a frequency that
affects and brings this awareness to the other 99%. This critical mass spontaneous
combustion of awareness goes by quite a few different names. You may know it as Universal
Consciousness, The 100th Monkey or the brilliant new science called Morphic Resonance.
What ever you want to call it, the phenomenon works, but we need to reach the masses to
get through to the 1% with this knowledge and information. And we need to reach them very,
very quickly.
The intent of Project Internet is to lovingly
create this Unity of 1% through our network of 2000 registered domain names. These domains
are in the areas most important to help humanity become aware of the magnitude of the
destruction that we are doing to life sustaining ecosystems. These domains are also in
areas that will awaken humanity to all of the wonderfully brilliant ideas and solutions
that are still possible to save our species Dance on the Stage of Life.
Project Internet's 2000 domains are in the
following areas: The environment, education, renewable energies, overpopulation, science,
politics, technology, computers, history, alternative medicine, religion, humor, children,
social issues, health and nutrition, meditation, fitness, the arts, love, peace, holistic,
organic, music and many more categories. We feel it is essential to obtain as many choice
domains as possible, because they are being taken at the rate of about 6,000 per day.
We know that to disseminate this urgent
environmental message the most efficient way is the Internet. This is the perfect medium
and we believe the only medium left to effectively create the awareness and reach the
greatest number of people, in the shortest amount of time. It is the last avenue for free
speech that the corporations don't yet control.
We are aware that the television, computer and
phone will merge into a single communication center within just 3 to 5 years. We also
realize, and this is so very important, that every website will be just like a television
channel because of new technologies such as full motion video, ever increasing bandwidth
and the constant improvements in compression of software. Computers with cable modems are
now capable of getting moving images off the Internet and within 5 years a website will be
the same as a television channel.
The Project
Internet network of 2000 domains plans to take full advantage of this. We will be offering
creative and well documented quality ideas and information with a wide ranging scope. This
information will first go up as text and pictures and then on real audio on all 2000
websites. We then want to have, as soon as possible, the best worldwide ideas,
documentaries, exposes and lectures on video and available on demand, meaning any time you
want to see it, on all of these 2000 websites.
One of the
immediate goals of Lovearth is to make a film of every living Nobel Laureate that
signed the 1992 document, answering the question "When do you believe that the Omega
Point will occur and why?" A brief 2 minute answer from each would make a documentary
film that would help create the awareness that is so desperately needed. Also, a more in
depth answer of up to an hour would be put online throughout the LOVEARTH Project Internet
Network. The websites will feature a photo and biography on each Nobel Laureate with the
option of reading, listening and soon watching their answer to the most important issue
facing humanity.
There is
nothing more important for you to realize in your lifetime. We are about to go extinct as
a species. What else matters... and how dare we be so selfish and ruin it all for our
future generations. This is why Project Internet needs your support today. Only by working
together can we put up the Project Internet network of all 2000 websites and create the
awareness to form the Unity of 1%. Contribute what you think is just, to create this
loving sustainable Earth, for our children, grandchildren and all of the future
generations that are to follow.
Our promise to
you and the future generations is that we will find the best and the brightest ideas and
solutions amongst our teachers, scientists, environmentalists, researchers, investigative
journalists, writers, webmasters, film and video makers, religious and spiritual leaders,
photographers, artists, poets, and children from around our Earth. We will publish their
ideas in text, pictures, audio and then video.
Nothing will
stop us, for nothing is more important to do. Project Internet will lovingly create the
awareness for sustainability in the 1% so the truth may resonate out to the other 99%.
Only then will the next generations have the same chance we had to flourish on Earth. Only
then will these next generations have the chance to pass on a sustainable Earth to their
future generations, so they in turn may flourish forever in harmony. |