The raping of our beautiful planet by the multinational corporations must stop immediately. This plundering, if not already, will very soon cause the irreversible damage to all of our life support systems. It will be the reason for the human species extinction. In 1996 alone somewhere around 188,124 species will go extinct. This web of life on which our very survival depends is now shortsightedly being torn apart, to be forever gone. For what I ask? Next quarters profits for the oligarchy of 1% who live like kings. Get up off your apathetic conditioned asses now hopefully before it's not too late and try to stop this with all your energies. There are now 5.82 billion humans on earth and we're adding around 88 million more per year. The sustainable limits have long since past, we're burning out at an alarming rate. The last 3 years we haven't been able to grow enough crops to feed ourselves. Each year we let at least 35 million babies die of the worst possible death - starvation. On any given day there are 44 little or big wars going on. The making of weapons is our biggest manufacturing industry. Every minute of every day we cut down 100 acres of the lungs of the earth our forests. For what, to blow your nose? In February, 23 plus million gallons of oil spilled yet once again into this time a marine sanctuary off the coast of Wales. Who needs double hulled tankers? Don't dare use the cleanest renewable energy - Hydrogen for all our energy needs. Ultraviolet radiation from the ozone hole has increased substantially because of the use of CFC's (which last up to 125 years) - this weakens our immune system (AIDS), kills off the phytoplankton (The building block of all life in the oceans), has increased skin cancers 600% in the last 20 years, causes cataracts and blindness and decreases the yield of most food crops. By the way, don't worry about the drastically lowering human sperm count, all the amphibious creatures who's eggs won't fertilize, the hundreds of Manatees that washed up dead 2500 left, the Giant Panda 1000 left, or the largest land mammal about to go extinct The White Rhino - 29 left, or anything else for that matter. Good-bye forever to you, sweet intricate beauty.