A Summary Of
Postponing The Launch Of Cassini
With Its 72.3 Pounds Of Deadly Plutonium For
The Inherent Safety Of A Solar Fuel Cell Redesign
End The Militarization And Nuclearization of Space
With A Summary Of What Actions You Can Do
October 13, 1997 T- 2 Days
Dear Citizens Of Earth
At 4:43 AM EDT on Wednesday, October 15, 1997, from launch complex
# 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air Station, a spacecraft called Cassini is scheduled
to liftoff. On board Cassini will be 72.3 pounds of the deadliest substance
known, Plutonium (Pu). This is by far the most Pu ever attempted to be launched
in a space mission. Inhaling less than 27 millionths of a gram of Pu will
give you lung cancer and also causes long term genetic damage. NASA's own
odds now state there is a 1 in 345 probability for a release of Pu on this
mission. NASA's original estimate for a Pu release were 1 in 1500, then it
was 1 in 900, then it was 1 in 500, now it is 1 in 345, tomorrow who knows?
Maybe 1 in 7.44 or 13.44%?
Remember what the late Noble prize winning physicist Dr. Richard P.
Feynman, a member of the Presidential Commission that investigated the 1/28/86
Challenger disaster said: "the NASA managers exaggerated the reliability
of the Shuttle to the point of fantasy. I saw considerable flaws in their
logic. I found that they were making up numbers not based on experience.
NASA's engineering judgment was not the judgment of its engineers."
There are 2.3 million people in the 6 county region surrounding
Cape Canaveral . If there is a failure on liftoff like the Challenger did
T+ 73 seconds and the Pu is released, the prevailing winds in October are
blowing right back over all these people. Cassini has a launch window of
41 days, from October 6 to November 15, with the earliest time for launching
being best for a successful NASA mission. But only 19% of the time, or 8
days, the winds blows away from land, out into the Atlantic. Out of
these 8 days, apporximately half, or 4 days, which is only 10% of the time,
the winds will be blowing with both the best direction and speed. If Cassini
does liftoff, will NASA wait for this best 10% of the time, with the wind
blowing away from all these humans, before trying to launch? No they won't
wait, for the last 2 nuclear missions the Galileo and Ulysses the winds
at launch were blowing right back towards humanity... This is a criminal
act against humanity in the purest sense.
If they don't wait, the worst case contamination clean
up costs for this region run at 4.1 trillion dollars, all of the 2.3 million
affected people would have to be moved. This region would be useless for
12,000 generations, 240,000 years. (Pu 239 half life = 24,110 years, 12.86%
or 9.3 pounds of the Pu on Cassini will be Pu 239)
I'm sure you don't want this worst case or for that matter any
release of Pu to happen. A 1 in 345 gamble with the deadliest substance known
is way too much, especially when NASA now has 9 more nuclear missions scheduled
over the next 6 years. Sooner or later there will be a horrendous catastrophe.
This catastrophe can not only happen over Florida, but at any time Cassini
is within the orbit of Earth. The 3.4 billion dollar, unmanned Cassini probe,
is going to explore Saturn which is 794 million miles from Earth but the
on board rockets don't have the thrust so a maneuver called the gravity assist
swingby (GAS) must be used. This maneuver is accomplished by flying very
close to a planet and using that planets gravitational field to transfer
some of its energy to the spacecraft, which then enables the spacecraft to
increase its velocity tremendously.
This GAS maneuver will be used 4 times, on August 16, 1999 Cassini
will swingby the Earth at an altitude of only 310 miles (NASA now has moved
the altitute of the GAS of Earth to 496.8 miles high, which leaves 35.56
seconds before entering our atmosphere - This is a little safer - Is NASA
beginning to listen?) , and traveling at 711.666 miles per minute (this
leaves as a little as 19.81 seconds for a trajectory window before a fiery
inadvertent reentry). If something goes wrong, and Cassini, with no heat
shield, inadvertently reenters our atmosphere the extreme 3000 degree F plus
temperatures will vaporize Cassini and part, most, or all of the 72.3 lbs.
of Pu will be released. This will cause anywhere from tens of thousands to
tens of millions of premature deaths, mostly from cancers, over just the
next 50 years.
This is pure absolute insanity, this is mad, this doesn't ever have
to be, there is a much saner way. Please help to postpone Cassini so it can
be redesigned using the safe renewable alternative, a solar fuel cell design
to generate the modest 745 watts of electricity needed, instead of gambling
with the devils potentially deadly Pu. Also, please help to stop the 21 billion
dollars that is to be spent over the next 5 years on the Star Wars program.
Stop space from becoming the ultimate high ground.
Only by working together will we postpone the
launch of the Cassini Mission for the inherent safety of a solar fuel cell
What You Can Do To Stop
The October 15th, 1997 Cassini Launch
Together We Can Create Morphic Resonance
Have Three Hand Delivered Verifiable Letters Sent In Your Name Urging Each
Of The Following To Stop Cassini With Its 72.3 Pounds Of Plutonium And Stop
The Militarization And Nuclearization Of Space
President William Jefferson Clinton
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton
Vice President Albert A. Gore Jr.
2) Call/Fax President Clinton At The White House
Phone: 202 456-1414 And 202 456-1111
Fax: 202 456-2461 And 202 456-2883
The White House Switchboard Is Open 24 Hours A Day 7 Days A Week
3) Call/ Fax John Gibbons Chief Of The White House Office Of Science
And Technology Policy - On Friday October 3rd He Advised Clinton To Launch
Phone: 202 456-7116 Fax: 202 456-6021
4) Call The Senate and Congress Toll Free at 1 888 723-5246
5) Call Into Local And National Talk Radio And TV Shows
Mention The 72.3 lbs. Of Deadly Plutonium On The Cassini Mission
And That There Is A Safe Alternative A Solar Fuel Cell Redesign
The Stop Cassini Web Site www.lovearth.org Or Phone : 718 426-5361
The White House Rally And Candlelight Vigil Sunday 10/12 2 -
9 PM
The Western Union 3 Letters Campaign 1 888 NO CASSINI
6) Order The Award Winning Video NUKES IN SPACE By Calling
1 800 ECO TV46 Or By Calling LOVEARTH At 718 426-5361
This Is A Very Important Tool To Be Shown To Friends, Loved Ones, Church
Groups And To Get Played On As Many Public Access Stations Possible
Order Karl Grossman's Wonderful New Book THE WRONG STUFF
All About Cassini And The Nuclearization And Weaponization Of Space
Call LOVEARTH At 718 426-5361
7) Print Posters Of Any Rally And Western Union Letters
1 888 NO CASSINI Off Web Site (Rally Posters) Have Them Displayed In
Every Front Window Where You Spend Money And All Other Places That Are Willing
To Put Them Up.
8) Visiting The Stop Cassini Web Site www.lovearth.org
For All Up To The Minute Information On How To Stop Cassini
Please Help Us By Volunteering Just A Little Of Your Time Call Today
9) Write To The 27 Celebs To Get Them To Help Us Stop Cassini
Go To The Web Page 27 Celebs To Write To For Names And Addresses
www.lovearth.org Phone
718 426-5361 Fax 718