All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1997 by Mark Elsis
What a beautiful life given us
A paradise for humans to run
Live forever or turn to dust
Whatever happens it's what we've done
And now that we have reached
The time to choose our destiny
Global unity I do preach
Love the saviour of humanity
500 plus species per day
Are leaving the web of life
Man's extinction is on the way
Cutting our own throats with a knife
Like Paul Ehrlich says
The rivets are popping
We're like a plane in the air
And each time a species goes extinct
Another rivet pops from the metal
One by one they pop till
The plane falls apart and crashes
Beauty is vanishing
At an alarming rate
Man is in a hurry
He just can't wait
The Sea Empress
Let go of her oil there mate
In a marine sanctuary
Now isn't that great
Double hulled tankers
Once more too late
Now the coast of Wales
Is in a slippery state
What we want we get
That is our fate
Beauty is vanishing
At an alarming rate
It's over
It's all over
The camels back
Has broke
Reckless man
Foolish man
Irreversible damage
I found all around
On this day to me
It finally spoke
Please understand
That we must stop
Our destroying ways
Or we will go extinct
Please understand
Let go of and drop
These are our last days
To transform too awareness
Or we will go extinct
Please understand
Singing and singing
For a mate
But there are no mates
To be found
The last of his kind
But he keeps on singing
I wonder if he knows
How beautiful he sings
The last song
Wasting our time with distracting
Trivial matters
While our Earth is being decimated
In our lifetime
In front of our eyes
When there is nothing more important
For humanity to do
Then to face this atrocity
And deal with it with all our energies
But no not us
We'd rather be
Wasting our time with distracting
Trivial matters
The massive
Of all life
On Earth
The iceberg
Is now ripping
The unsinkable
Homo Sapiens
Propaganda Goebbels
Would have been astonished of
So neat and packaged now
It fits just like an old glove
The disorganized majority
Always pissing in the wind
Fragmantated filled with hatred
Only to themselves they've sinned
First the church
Then the government
Now the corporation
Next the cooperation
Of every human on Earth
For all life is interdependent
We are way out of control
With the 70,000 plus chemicals in use
Our children's future we stole
The legacy we leave is nothing but abuse
Of ourselves and our beautiful planet Earth
We do not know the unforeseen consequences
Of the interaction all these chemicals together
We do not know how they will affect our senses
But I can tell you now it won't be for the better
Keep watching those screens
Filling you up with useless information
There are no need for your dreams
We just want a homogenous civilization
Distractions everywhere you turn
So you're caught up in the game
Distractions maybe someday you'll learn
Are only here to keep us all the same
Blinded by greed
Blinded by ambition
Too deaf to heed
A slave to submission
Materialism fills your days
Return on investment rules
Corporations have their ways
Indoctrination of the fools
Don't worry about overpopulation
Don't worry about all the pollution
Don't worry about deforestation
Don't worry about a sustainable solution
Don't worry about global warming
Don't worry about the ozone hole
Don't worry about new viruses forming
Don't worry about the kids future we stole
Don't worry about nuclear weapons or power
Don't worry about pesticides in your food
Don't worry about 4000 kids starving to death each hour
Don't worry about the TV being stupid and crude
Don't worry about all fish stocks declining
Don't worry about corrosive life killing acid rain
Don't worry about the massive strip mining
Don't worry about billions of slaughtered animals pain
Don't worry about the 266 billion for defense
Don't worry about total corporate power
Don't worry about the loss of common sense
Don't worry about chlorine in your shower
Don't worry about grain yields diminishing
Don't worry about cancer rates rising
Don't worry about another species finishing
Don't worry about your company downsizing
Don't worry about recycling your trash
Don't worry about genetic engineering
Don't worry about it ending in a flash
Don't worry about anything you're fearing
Because our complete devastation of all life
Is now irreversible
I try to find hope
But there is none to be found
It is getting harder to cope
With the devastation all around
I try to find hope
But I'm disappointed every time
I'm at the end of my rope
Waiting for humanity to pay for its crime
I try to find hope
But it is irreversibly too late
I was once filled with hope
But now I know that which is to be our fate
I want to see the majesty
I want to sense the wonder
I want to advert the tragedy
I want to stop the blunder
The weight of the world
The time running out
The hate constantly unfurled
The crime of silence all about
Keep it up
Prop it up
Never let it fall
The pervasive charade
Is now spoken
By all
Like the lemmings
Marching to the sea
I see all of humanity
Racing to the end
A dead canary
In a coal mine that's me
Warning us now
The Earth needs to mend
Take a stand
Show your voice
Together we band
For we have no choice
But to bare witness
To our own desolation
Cheated deceived swindled
We've all been hoodwinked
A long long time ago
The democrats and republicans
Devilishly sold their souls
To the corporate interests
Now we can look forward to
Destruction devastation annihilation
Brought to us so sweetly
In a candy coated wrapper
Corruption pervasively
Imbedded throughout the land
The masters biddings
Woven into the fabric of our lives
Eradication perversely
Unending on a scale so grand
The billion starving babies
During my life's dying cries
Apathy prevailing
The conditioned sheep are all around
The masters biddings
Are now done without a thought or sound
A unity of one percent
Who revere all life on Earth as dear
Must begin to form today
If there's any wish for survival here
A unity of one percent
Resonates when thinking as one
Causing a critical mass
Where sustainability will become
Upon all future generations
Running from here to there
And then back again and again
For this that and all the other
Silly useless and wasteful things
We no longer are looking to share
Like we did way back when
Almost everyone helped one another
Lost is the happiness this brings
Open yourself try voluntary simplicity
Learning to consume less is so freeing
Show the corporations no complicity
Slow down enough to just enjoy being
If you believed such as I
What would you do
With all your heart would you try
Never stop till the one percent knew
If you believed such as I
What would you do
Just wait for humanity to die
Given up because it can't be true
If you believed such as I
What would you do
Keeping the status quo alive
In the face of certain annihilation
A masterful job where PR firms strive
And a dumbing down of education
Keeping the status quo alive
In the face of certain annihilation
The place media conglomerates strive
And all Hollywood produces obfuscation
Keeping the status quo alive
In the face of certain annihilation
The part for politicians so desperately strive
A government act of incautious deliberation
Playing with deadly radiation
Like a bunch of babbling babies
Tinkering with divine creation
Never caring about all the maybes
Trying to genetically engineer life
While your own species goes extinct
Lying to hide all inequitable strife
When to Earth you are forever linked
Desperate ubiquitous inequalities
Executed by the privileged few
Horrendous nightmarish actualities
Brought to billions of a darker hue
The oligarchy are indubitably maleficent
Running the Earth 24 / 7 with never a rest
Her straining systems now going inefficient
As any future generation so sadly will attest
A new ethic of caring
For all life on Earth is needed
A humane way of sharing
Where reverence for all life is treated
A new ethic of caring
Must now form quickly from you and me
For the web of life is tearing
Apart much faster then anyone is willing to see
A new ethic of caring
Or our species will be taken care of
From bad to worse will go our faring
Till in the end there was no more love
Amongst the abundance
For which nature provides
Our rightful place
Is when harmony arrives
With all life on Earth
Complexity far beyond our imagination
Yet we arrogantly go about our merry way
Diversity being felled in one generation
Never again to see the light of a bright new day
The intricacy of all living beings on one another
We know so little about and don't seem to care
Variety being extinguished to put out and smother
For future generations there will be nothing to share
Each and every day I have dreams
Of a better world for all
Each and every way though it seems
On deaf ears my words fall
Quite troubling this is for me
When there is nothing more imperative
My job here is for as many to see
That now is the time we can't be sedative
Dereliction of our earthly stewardship
In almost every way that is conceivable
Our responsibilities long ago we let slip
The utter stupidity of man is unbelievable
Build your weapons and let millions starve
Have your religion and plunder the resources
Take every rainforest to cut up and carve
Follow the leaders blindly until your losses
Are no more
You who do not see
You who do not care
You who say it can not be
You who deny it and swear
You must be awakened today
By those of you who know the truth
By all of you who have seen the light
It is you who with love must spread the word
It is you who must show others what's right
Humanity is walking the highwire
Insanity is pushing the envelope
Precarious equillibrium is so dire
In a world that is going for broke
They do just what they're told
They are the obedient masses
It doesn't matter what's being sold
Just stay in your station caste classes
And now as the world is going to hell
They still have little to no concern
Their souls to the devil they gladly sell
Will the obedient masses ever learn
They have the power within themselves
To change the course of history
To damage nature the way we are
Is the worst of all our atrocities
To ransack her from near and far
Forever diminishes our perpetuation
We have but a small yet significant role
In the elaborate interdependence of all things
Living a sustainable life with congruity the goal
And a love of the diversity that all life brings
Will stop this damage toward nature that we do
With the worst of all our atrocities finally ending
But until that day comes all I can say to you
Is that nature is dying when it needs to be mending
Good-bye forever to you
Sweet intricate beauty
Good-bye to all we knew
My White Rhino beauty
Good-bye to fine details
In the superstring soup
Good-bye to friend chaos
No butterflies in the loop
Good-bye forever to you
Sweet intricate beauty
Good-bye it can't be true
Humanity has failed its duty
The window of opportunity
Is staring us squarely in the face
Begging us to form a unity
Before we fall from natures grace
In this hurried up
To make money society
With television constantly
Enslaving you to consume
Try to often stop
And smell the roses quietly
Meditate and exercise daily
To keep one in tune
Keep an open mind
Look at every angle
Seek and you shall find
What your heart desires
You create your own reality
Which in turn
Reflects your daily personality
The being that you are
The aura that surrounds
It's dying before me
Will we act in time
Restore the earth or you'll be
Taken away to make it fine
Misinformation disinformation
Cover ups and lies
It doesn't matter which administration
They're all cut from the same pies
Distorted views
Slanted news
It'll make you numb
What right to choose
You'll only lose
Are the thoughts of some
They're dying of starvation
One every second
They're praying for salvation
From the misery there born in
But we turn our backs
Having our own problems getting by
Avoiding the horrid facts
While the 3rd world babies cry
Till death
The beings from afar
Must look at us and laugh
Just babies in evolution
Crawling down extinction's path
You made me write the words I do
I'll even admit I idolized you
Your assassination ended an era so they say
But your message still lives in me each day
And I'll reach the masses because I feel
That certain destruction is for real
If our ways don't change from what is now
And stop the killing weapons we let allow
Oh the hypocrisy we let go on
The human civilization ends with a con
With shortsighted leaders sedating us all
Technology betrays with apathy we fall
Coming down on your self
As confusion creeps in
Forgetting pain ruining health
What is moral what is sin
Each day blurs by
Does anything really matter
Alone sometimes I cry
Wondering will tomorrow be sadder
Five evolution's to get it right
And here we go again
Constantly in conflict and fight
I think it's time to say when
Enough is enough
I'm bored of the game
Drop the act of being tough
Finally realize we're all the same
I call it the atomic hump
The make or break time
Flourish on earth as one
Or pay for the ultimate crime
Days drift by one by one
Each day closer to having none
Wake up and see where your eyes are blind
Look both ways and then you'll find
We need a way for all mankind
To live together the best we can
No more arms to kill each other
Population curbed for another
Pollution stopped or we'll smother
Hunger fed love your brother
Confined to conformity
Stuck in your ways
Living so uniformly
Trapped in your maze
Feed them guns
While innocent die
Starving mother's sons
Have nothing left to try
Money making weapons
We will supply
When farming technology
Is the pleading cry
Piece of debris number three
Has been rendered useless
Mismanaged shortsightedly
Plundered expediently
It's make or break
One more time
Will we cover ourselves
In our prime
Or learn to live
As meant to be
Back with nature
Forever in harmony
Which we choose
Is up to us
Either we fuse
Or forever rust
But now's the time
To make the choice
And only together we'll find
They'll hear our voice
To make the changes
That have to be
For us to live
Forever in harmony
I'm given every opportunity
But yet feel so defeated
Born into a generation of lunacy
Where with destruction I'm greeted
I feel a failure
With no future in store
A no win situation
With materialism the whore
It's all stealing
From one another
Sell with feeling
Beat your brother
Get rich quick
While humans starve
Your fcking sick
But still you carve
Strip till it's bare
No more tomorrow's
For children to share
There will only be sorrows
Human reality
Skillfully corrupted
Meager mortality
Nuclear deducted
The sin of sins
The killing weapons
No one wins
Stop the deceptions
Life would cease
In vain again
War over peace
Another lesson when
Too much was learned
And turned to kill
Suicide was confirmed
But they went ahead still
When you just don't care
And see through the lies
When you know it ain't fair
Yet you don't even criticize
Your just as wrong
Being weak and accepting
Giving into the strong
Who think their decepting
But who's fooling who
And who'll laugh last
When in the end you knew
What you've learned in the past
Come to your senses
It won't hold out
Man's raped nature
There is no doubt
We've grown too fast
Become a burden
Taxed the system
And called it progress
The peak of selfishness
To make life easy
The cry of helplessness
The family unit decays
Our morals slip away
And still the politicians say
Tomorrow will bring a better day
Follow if you wish
But suicides the risk
And ignorance the dish
You feed upon
In this age of technology
With hunger disease and pollution
You give only your apology
Because you think there's no solution
To the arms race we let go on
To instinct survival
Passive to the deadly harm
To evolve this far
Just to be had by a con
You apathetic humans
With no sense of direction
You follow like sheep
Just tell me why
Cause without weapons
We would flourish
Live without fear
Every human nourished
We could end diseases
And all the suffering
But still you follow like sheep
Each new day
So much goes down
A life so busy
Just revolving around
Money and power
Greed and despair
Living each hour
To take all that's there
See the signs
There all around
Pay the fines to
Mother earth's ground
Birds and animals
Their disappearing
Man is next
Yes I'm fearing
Evolution too fast
Is the reason
Insanity can't last
Taking each season
Till nothing grows
From the ground
Only pollution flows
With radiation found
In you and me
All the vices
All the crutches
All the choices
That pass us by
Escaping them all
To get high
It's a vicious circle
Hard to break
Where nothing matters
When it's all at stake
Apathy will prevail
On this earth I'm sure
Follow aimless sheep
So easy to ignore
The extinction of life
Throwing nature off balance
Will one day catch man
For there's no avoiding
How long does it take
For you to see
How can I make it
So all can be
Free from pain
With no more weapons
No soldiers slain
By monetary deceptions
The sun is ours
If only we'd try
To unite the powers
And stop the deceptions
We let go on
But each election
You fall for the con
In hopes of better
When there all the same
How long does it take
You to get wise to the game
They're out for now
And backed by an interest
A warm December night
I passed by The Dakota
Sunroof open barely creeping
An hour before the end
I saw a shadow
Lurked in the darkness
I thought security
Because the article
How many times
I've past before
Those iron gates
Can I cry once more
Since I was five
I've heard the words
Now only vinyl
Is left to hear
Will it get better
Will it get worse
There's rainy weather
With a black hearse
The tears did shed
While not believing
A word you said
So much grieving
Did leave me numb
And memories ago
Kept filtering through
Of a time when no
It can not be
Ever again
The situation is critical
Time is of the essence
The answer is not political
Each day gone by lessens
Our very survival here
What we can do
Is up to you and me
We can save ourselves
If we want it to be
Where our grandchildren
Can laugh and play
Start to care now
Please don't turn away
It starts in you
It starts in me
Help restore our earth
So future generations can be
Each minute that passes
100 acres of tropical forest
Goes never to come back
Within just one hour
4000 children starve to death
While surplus crops go bad
Every day that goes by
There are 27 oil spills
In the United States alone
In one orbit around the sun
More than a trillion dollars
Of killing weapons we make
Its come so quick
Its hard to tell
In just a flick
We've emptied the well
Foresight is cheap
When it's too late
We're sinking in deep
Still wanting the bait
Computer malfunction
Warning overload
Drastic measures needed
In order to continue
We must all realize this is it
We must change
In order to exist
Take some time
And think about this
Listen real careful
Cause there's no time to miss
It's getting beyond reach
It's gotten out of hand
The power hungry preach
As if by divine plan
And you don't know
Or just let it go by
And you're always on the go
But always asking why
They drain your life
Squeeze every last drop
Tell you of freedom
When looking from the top
How clever the manipulation
In this land of the free
How money breeds dedication
In the name of liberty
With political promising lies
You know better than believe
They're all the same you realize
Groomed puppets that deceive
So you give up hope
Believing it will never change
Apathy is how you cope
Something you always found strange
The ladder of success
With cut out steps
Leads you nowhere
Without deception
Well here we are again
Apathetic up till the end
Too much too soon and then
No recourse
It's total chaos
It's complete madness
It can't go on
It'll never last
Take take take
Until no more
Is left to give
We are the test subjects
We are the dying breed
We are the last checks
Here to balance the greed
An awaken you all
So we can plant a new seed
Knock down the wall
That strangles you like a weed
We are here to change
Extinction to perpetuation
Get rid of the strange
Leading us to devastation
It's all up to us
To want a new day
With us you can trust
We won't lead you astray
What's best for all
Is the way it will be
Knock down the wall
For unity is the key
And it won't be easy
Cause they're set in their way
Molded in the cast
Until their dying day
Which won't be long
So we have no time to waste
We've already been led along
So now we have to haste
And think for tomorrow
Forget about yesterday
It will only bring you sorrow
And happiness is the only way
Sand slipping through
The hour glass
Evolution's choice is now
Humanity's last pass
Won't wait
Tomorrow's awareness
In vain too late
Today's judgment
Decides earth's fate
You've given up hope
You can't change the system
Mellowing out with age
You no longer try to resist them
You've lost your morals
They've changed your ways
But deep down it eats at you
They've trapped you in the maze
Torn between the dream you had
And the life you live
Still knowing your being had
But not wanting to give
In every way possible
We're destroying ourselves
Making tomorrow inhospitable
As long as today it sells
Man's the enemy
Technology the tool
Extinct is forever
Don't be a fool
And say it's all right
Or laugh it away
Stand up and fight
Our numbers will say
Something positive
That will catch like fire
An expose all the greedy
Cold hearted liars
I try to write
About what I feel is wrong
To shed some light
About how we're led along
In this land of the free
We must be brave
For our future you see
A new road we must pave
We are our own god
For good or bad
Our earth paradise
So don't be mad
In the years to come
We pay the price
Following blinded leaders
Playing fate with dice
It's just the same old game
With the played out scenes
A merry go round with inbetweens
Lost in a fog in a sea of confusion
Looking for help through realities illusion
Got to break out and get away
Or the conditioning ties will stay
Trapping you till tomorrow's today
Becomes a bitter memory of yesterday
There's no way out
Unless you care
I can scream and shout
About what ain't fair
But you've got to change
From deep inside
Brought up fast and strange
Don't run and hide
From the troubled day
By taking drugs
To escape the pain
It's a cover up
To keep us down
Government sponsored
Every pound
Toxic dumps
Radiation leaks
Cancer lumps
Mutated freaks
Toxic shock
Agent orange
Government mock
Goes on and on
Nuclear waste
Leukemia rate
Technology haste
Is our fate
Love canal
Throw in the towel
And wave good-bye
Oil spills
Nerve gas seeps
Man kills
No longer reaps
Arms race
Strip mining
Pollution pace
Elegant dining
Atomic tests
Silkwood dead
Militarily best
To beat the red
Drug sedaters
Alcohol waiters
Shut you up
Make you give up
Turn away
And it only gets worse
Stay in the gray
Until your in the hearse
Take responsibility
And it can only get better
We have the ability
It's just the choice of whether
We take responsibility
Or turn away
How do you cope
With global suicide
How do you hope
When you turn and hide
What is there left
For you to believe in
When humanity wept
Drowned in their grieving
In first grade
My President was blown away
I wondered why
In fifth grade
Martin and Robert were filled with lead
I began to understand
In the summer before high school
Morrison was in French soil
But no one was there
I became scared
For John
The warmest 8th of December
In New York City history
I was driving my cab
When Vinny broke the news
From that day till now
At 29
Every time I pass 1 West 72nd street
I feel humanity
Has no hope
But I still imagine
There's always been war
You don't learn by mistakes
A paradise yours pure
And only one for the takes
We're at the time
When we can't look away
We need a solution
For tomorrow today
A handful of companies
Make the decisions
They bought the country
Electing their politicians
An army full of men
To protect and kill
The number one game
Leader of the hill
It's the thought of not knowing
If we'll be here tomorrow
The constant peril always growing
As if each day we must borrow
This pressure of uncertainty
Is taking its toll on me
Humanity ignoring the emergency