Will NASA wait till the wind blows out toward the Atlantic Ocean, away from land and the 2.3 million people in the 6 county region surrounding the Cape before trying to launch Cassini? The Cassini mission has a 41 day launch window from October 6th through November 15th, with each day the launch window being 2 hours and 20 minutes. NASA says the earliest time for a launching would be the best for mission sequences, but only 19% of the time, or 8 days, the wind blows away from land (NW, WNW, W, WSW, SW). Out of these 8 days, approximately half, or 4 days, which is less then 10% of the time, the winds will be blowing with the best direction and speed in case of a failure during liftoff with the Pu possibly being released. If Cassini does liftoff, will NASA wait for this best 8 to 10% of the time, with the winds blowing away from humanity, before trying to launch?
The answer to that lies in the recent history of NASA nuclear
space missions. Which direction was the wind blowing from and at what speed
during past nuclear launches? For the Galileo mission (STS #34) with 49.25
pounds of Plutonium on board, the winds were from the South at 8 knots. Depending
on the height of a possible Plutonium release, this would have blown right
up the coast to Daytona Beach and the Jacksonville area. For the Ulysses
mission (STS # 41) with 25 pounds of Plutonium on board, the winds were from
the East at 14 knots. This is about as bad as it gets, a release would go
right back over everyone on land. Once again, depending on the height of
a possible Plutonium release, the deadly plutonium may even reach Mickey
Mouse who is about 50 miles due West in Orlando.
Will NASA wait for the best wind direction and speed for the liftoff of the
Cassini mission? From their recent history of nuclear space missions, No
they won't wait, they don't seem to care...This is beyond utter arrogance...
We can't let this happen... This is a criminal act against humanity in the
purest form... If Cassini releases Pu, this is premeditated Murder in the
First Degree... So who has the final signing off for the Cassini Mission,
Mr. President?
Stop NASA's next unmanned mission, the Cassini Mission to Saturn which is carrying 72.3 pounds of the most deadly substance known, Plutonium. Cassini is the #1 censored story on Earth. Solar power and long lived fuel cells can replace the Plutonium.