The Top Ten Reasons Why
The Cassini Mission With Its 72.3 Pounds
Of Deadly Plutonium Must Be Postponed
10) Because there is a safe renewable alternative to generate the 745 watts
of electricity. It's been used by NASA since the mid 1960's, solar power
and long lived fuel cells can generate the modest 745 watts. Even out to
where Cassini is going, Saturn, which is on average 794 million miles away
from Earth and has only 1.08% of the solar insolation.
9) Because By NASA's own odds there is now a 1 in 345 gamble for Plutonium
to be released on the Cassini Mission. NASA's original odds were 1 in 1500,
then it was 1 in 900, then 1 in 500, now it's 1 in 345. Maybe tomorrow it
will be 1 in 7.44?
8) Because 9 out of the 67, or 13.44%, of nuclear missions that have been
tried by the US and the former USSR have ended in different degrees of
catastrophic radiation fallout upon Earth. The last nuclear mission failure
was November 17th, 1996 when the Russian Mars 96 spaceprobe with .44 of a
pound of Plutonium vaporized over Chile.
7) Because NASA won't wait for the best 8% of the time when the Cassini Mission
launch winds direction and speed are blowing away from humanity. The last
2 United States NASA nuclear launches (Galileo and Ulysses) the winds at
liftoff blew back on humanity.
6) Because 1 out of the 20 Titan 4 Booster Rockets that will launch the Cassini
mission exploded. Chemical rockets by nature are all quite volatile. On January
17th, 1997 a Delta 2 rocket exploded 13 seconds into its liftoff at the Cape
spewing its highly noxious chemical fuel for up to 73 miles down the coast
of Florida.
5) Because By NASA's own odds state there is a 1 in 450 gamble for Plutonium
to be released on Cassini from T+ 206 seconds, at 68.56 miles high, till
T+ 689 seconds, the time Cassini leaves Earth's orbit. A failure during this
time will lead to a fiery inadvertent reentry, and Cassini, with no heat
shield, will release some, most, or all of the 72.3 pounds of Plutonium.
This will cause the premature deaths of anywhere from tens of thousands to
tens of millions of Homo Sapiens over just the next 50 years. Plutonium 239's
1/2 life is 24,110 years, it is lethal for about 240,000 years. 12.86% of
the 72.3 pounds of Pu on Cassini is Pu 239, this = 9.3 pounds.
4) Because there are 2.3 million American citizens living within the six
county region that surrounds Launch complex # 40 at the Cape Canaveral Air
Station in Florida. There are radiation fallout shelters for all the people
who work at the Cape Canaveral Air Station but not for any these 2.3 million
American citizens.
3) Because the Cassini mission is a stepping stone in the United States's
plans for the nuclearization, weaponization and domination of space. At least
21 billion dollars within the next 5 years will be spent on this, the
military's new ultimate high ground.
2) Because inhalation of less then 27 millionths of a gram of Plutonium will
give you lung cancer and also causes long term genetic damage to the web
of all life. The 72.3 pounds of Pu on board the Cassini Mission if evenly
distributed is enough for at least 1.2 billion lethal doses for Homo
1) Because if Cassini's deadly radiation doesn't get us, there are now 9
more United States NASA nuclear space missions scheduled over the next 6
years. Two of them with more Plutonium then Cassini. Feel Lucky?